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Cannabis companies across the nation are struggling to stabilize their workforce. Let's start with discussing the challenges and some proven solutions to combat turnover and stabilize your cannabis workforce. Transformational onboarding versus transactional is just the start of what this discussion will cover.
Session Abstract Why the need for a cannabis certificate? Enrollment Building the curriculum About the programs: Cannabis Science and Operations and Medical Cannabis and Therapeutic Management Courses offered Delivery Method Cost Who are the students of the CSO program?
Engage with a wide range of professionals having expertise in everything from how to properly sanitize your lab and processing areas to the type of coatings that you can use to paint your walls and floor.
As the Micro licensing regulations seem to be evolving on the fly, sit with experts and your peers to discuss the challenges in securing a license and running businesses under Missouri's Micro-Business program.
Chat with the experts about everything that is growing green. From Seeds to Soil, Irrigation to Nutrients, Lights to Employees, and Facilities to Environmental Controls, talk and learn from the pros.
Join Tom Howard to learn about the ins and outs and the do's of don'ts of winning a Cannabis license in this client of limited availability. Hear about our latest expos before anyone else!
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