Frian Dickson
Du Sud Cannabis, CEO
Professional Summary
Frian Dickson is an accomplished entrepreneur and a very knowledgeable leader in the cannabis industry in the SADDC region. Frian is also the CEO of Du Sud Cannabis in Harare, Zimbabwe.
When Zimbabwe became the second country in the SADDC region to legalize cannabis farming for medicinal purposes, Frian Dickson was the first cannabis farmers to obtain the required licenses, as well as played a pivotal role in advising the government on policy that would be investor friendly. As a tobacco farmer, Frian became interested in the cannabis industry, when Lesotho legalized cannabis in 2017. He began researching and conducting a feasibility study of medicinal cannabis production in that region.
Frian Dickson, who’s a graduate of Monash University, as a Business Major, has a great business acumen and in depth understanding of the business culture in the SADDC region and is able to seamlessly merge his knowledge and understanding, to merge with the businesses culture in developed Countries. He is also highly sought after in the Sub Sahara region where he is considered to be a subject matter expert on this emerging cannabis industry.